March 31 is Empty Tomb Sunday, and we`re scheduled to baptize those who have come to repentance and faith through hearing and believing the gospel recently at Seven Mile Road. Here`s a quick post on a question that& ...
Confessional Reformed/Presbyterian churches don`t rebaptize a Christian who comes from another church to join theirs. The Westminster Confession of Faith (28:7) says “the sacrament of baptism is but once to be& ...
The theology of baptism suggests that rebaptism in instances where a valid baptism has already occurred runs counter to the symbolic nature of the sacrament itself. The confessional prohibition on rebaptism is well-founded& ...
Kenneth J. Stewart serves as Professor of Theological Studies in Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, GA. He has Free Church roots. In fact, Rob, his brother, serves as a District Superintendent in the Lower Pacific District of& ...
March 31 is Empty Tomb Sunday, and we`re scheduled to baptize those who have come to repentance and faith through hearing and believing the gospel recently at Seven Mile Road. Here`s a quick post on a question that& ...
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